Wednesday, 31 August 2011

This just in… Lot 975 is Officially Under Construction!

Ok so it’s been a little over 2 weeks since our last post and A LOT has happened in that time!  

Firstly we will start with our electrical appointment, we met with the lovely Christine who took us through our inclusions and added selections. We were originally booked in with Craig however he was unavailable on that day, it really didn’t matter to us as Christine was just as brilliant, I think it’s safe to say that everyone at MJH has been amazing so far and I am super confident that they will continue to be!! Now in terms of the light selections, I never thought that choosing lights and connecting them would cause some disagreements between the hubby and I!! Let’s just say, I thought that some things were going to go in one spot and he had other ideas, but with Christine’s help we definitely got there in the end! MJH have a really cool program to help you visualize the locations of the lights and then link them up, which was extremely helpful.  So in a little over 2 hours we had our electrical appointment done and dusted, although we did go back at about 4.30pm that day to make some changes we forgot about! Christine was more than happy to quickly fit us in at such short notice! J

Straight after our electrical appointment, we decided to go and visit the new MJH display homes that recently opened at The Ponds.  One of them is very similar to our house and we wanted to check out the décor for some much needed inspiration!! This is where the story gets a little interesting!  I had entered one of the homes ahead of my husband and was busy admiring the main bedroom’s ensuite. I was under the impression that my husband and I were the only ones in the house, when I partly yelled out “Look at this babe” and I thought that my husband was right behind me, but as I turned around there was another fellow there checking out the bathroom! I was quite embarrassed at the thought of yelling babe to a man other than my husband, however quickly apologized. As I was doing so, I noticed that the fellow had a MJH shirt on, and I then asked ‘Do you work for McDonald Jones Homes’ and he turned around, stuck out his hand out for a handshake and said “Bill McDonald”  Yes you read correctly, I had just met the MR MCDONALD JONES HOMES HIMSELF, THE BIG M, HEAD HONSHO! My husband overheard me and came in to also meet him! We were both in awe, me slightly star struck! Never in a million years did we imagine meeting Bill McDonald! He was a typical tradie, inspecting the homes and looking at every detail. Seeing Bill at these homes made us realise that the owner of a major NSW home building company still cared about the quality of his homes and actually took the time out to inspect them himself!! We were very impressed.

Next up was the saga of the whereabouts of our ACC certificate… we had received approval from the council and started chasing our bank up for the certificate.  After a few days of hounding them, we finally received the ACC on the 26th August and were informed by our CLO that we were released to Construction!  In the meantime, we found 4 little red pegs on our land… so we knew the ball was rolling!

Since the 26th we have been visiting our land to see if there have been any movements and much to our surprise, upon tonight’s visit, we found that the soil had been cut and we are officially UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!! YIPPEEE! We are literally shocked at how quickly the process has gone so far. Our CLO has been great, providing us with updates every step of the way. Love your work MJH!!

We will hopefully post some pics tomorrow!

Monday, 15 August 2011

CDC Approval In Record Timing!

We are super excited to say that our CDC approval has come through in record time! We lodged as a complying development on Friday 5th August and first thing this morning we got a very pleasant call from our CLO letting us know the good news!

The builder has advised that our materials are currently being ordered and we are waiting on the ACC from the lender to come through.  Upon receipt MJH has told us that they will be on site within 20 days!!!! We can’t wait to see some action on our land!

Also this Thursday we are due into MDJ for our electrical appointment.  We have been lucky enough to get Craig as our consultant! Yippee

Hopefully our next update will be the ‘renowned portaloo and peg out’ post! J

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Another approval down... one more to go!

We are quite excited about this update… The Ponds Design Review Panel approved our plans today… first go! As mentioned previously we did our own landscape plan, so we are pretty happy that it was approved first time round, it helps that we read the guidelines about 100 times!!

As a result of the ponds approval, we have now lodged our plans to a private certifier, so that should be approved within the next 2 weeks… J then we look at commencing construction!!!  We are sooo excited, it’s all starting to come together now, so we are counting down!!

That’s all we have to update you on at the moment, but hopefully there will be another exciting update very soon!